Thanks for your donation, every penny counts!
I will be walking in the 2016 Walk the Loop for Lupus in Tucson, AZ on April 23rd, to raise funds for the Lupus Foundation of Southern AZ. Our goal is to raise $50,000 for the 90,000 people living with lupus in the Arizona area. My personal goal is to raise $ and I hope that you'll help me reach this goal! I realize these are tough times for many people, but every little bit helps!
I hope you will consider making a secure online donation to help me reach my goal! It’s easy to do – just click on the link to Donate and complete the donation process. I really appreciate your help!
It is estimated that 1.5 million Americans have a form of lupus, an acute and chronic (lifelong) autoimmune disease in which the immune system is unbalanced, causing inflammation and tissue damage to virtually every organ system in the body. November 2008 marked 50 years since a drug has been approved for the treatment of lupus. There is hope on the horizon, and with your help we can find better treatments and a cure.
Making a difference starts with one step. Thank you for taking this step!
Lupus is more prevalent than AIDS, sickle-cell anemia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and cystic fibrosis combined. Lupus affects 1 out of every 185 Americans.
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